betillion weighs in on Facebook’s foray into online gambling

What does a betting and trading game have to say about Bingo Friedzy, Facebook’s first online gambling application that uses real money? Well, as an aspiring game in a similar space, we are really excited!

“Real-money gaming is a popular and well-regulated activity in the UK and we are allowing a partner to offer their games to adult users on the Facebook platform in a safe and controlled manner,” Facebook said in a statement, according to Reuters.

These are incredibly progressive words from a company that has played it safe since its inception in 2006. With only 30% of its revenue generated by non-gambling games, an early foray into the real-money playing may be the push that Facebook needs to assuage investors’ uncertainty about the company’s revenue-generating prowess.

There is no doubt, Zynga’s Poker and Slot Machine games will soon follow, and the gaming giant has shared this ambition explicitly (according to the Financial Times). Both Zynga and Facebook struggle to support expectations of analysts in terms of revenue, and online gambling presents the perfect opportunity.

This move is not desperate, but rather calculated and forward-looking.

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